Recital Structure

Recitals have pre-determined lengths and should not vary. All times include intermission and are per performer. Joint recitals may be held.

  • Performance/Applied Junior Year 40 minutes
  • Performance/Applied Senior Year 60 minutes
  • Music Education Degree 40 minutes
  • Graduate 80 minutes

Speaking from the stage is generally not allowed but may be approved at the discretion of your studio teacher.

Nothing may occur in the recital that was not explicitly approved at the Preview. There will be no encores unless approved at the Preview.


At the beginning of the semester your recital is scheduled to occur, you must register for the appropriate class:

  • Performance Junior Year MUSC 301
  • Performance Senior Year MUSC 401
  • Music Education Degree MUSC 301
  • Composition MUSC 401
  • Graduate MUSC 601

Recital Approval Policy

The student must communicate to the area representative their intention to apply to present a degree recital the following semester.

At the student’s regular end-of-semester jury, a majority of the applied faculty in the student’s area must vote to clear the student to present the recital.

If a student does not receive majority approval to present the recital, the student will either apply again in a later semester (if there is time to do so before the semester of the degree recital), or will present an additional barrier jury for area faculty at the beginning of the semester when the degree recital must take place.

Areas and individual studio faculty may implement additional requirements beyond this as best suits their pedagogical needs. Any additional requirements will be detailed in area handbooks and applied faculty syllabi.

Dress Rehearsal

Approximately 8 weeks before your recital, you should also begin to coordinate your Dress Rehearsal with all involved in your recital. Again, scheduling should be done using the Current Students section of the website.

You are allowed one two-hour dress rehearsal in the performance venue. If you are a piano student, you may have one additional two-hour rehearsal on the piano.

Rehearsals for undergraduate recitals not held within normal business hours may be scheduled only with the approval of the studio teacher. In the evenings and weekends, your studio teacher must be willing to attend your rehearsal as students are not allowed in the venue without their studio teacher present. Graduate students may check out a key from the Scheduling Coordinator (Sharon Whetham) for evening/weekend rehearsals.

Recital Day

Please arrive no more than 1 hour before your recital is scheduled to begin.

When you arrive, the stage crew will be waiting for you.

Please meet with the Crew Manager backstage and review all the information in your Performance Worksheet. It is important that the Crew Manager completely understand all the set changes and any other special instructions before the recital begins.

The house will open 20 minutes before the recital is scheduled to begin. You may warm-up, tune or rehearse on stage no earlier than 1 hour before until 20 minutes before the recital is to begin.