Non-Degree Recital scheduling will begin June 1st for the following school year.
Non-Degree Recitals many not be held in the last three weeks of the semester.
Fee for the non-Degree recital will be $275.00. Fee will be paid in cash or check (made payable to the “University of Delaware/SoM”. Payment will be submitted to the Business Manager (Tamara Smith). Payment must be paid prior to drop-add of the semester which the recital will be held.
Fees will cover the venue and the cost of event staff (in most situations). If extra crew is needed to cover extra staging, lighting, or technical support outside the realm of our typical recitals, there will be additional charges.
You will be responsible for paying for your own pianists.
Piano Tuning – The venue pianos are tuned regularly during the semester, and you may not need an additional tuning. If you would like the piano tuned specifically for this recital, you will be responsible for the fee, and using the SoM piano tuner. You will need to request this to [email protected] 4 weeks prior to the recital allowing us to schedule this.
Allotted Performance time: 60 minutes
Rehearsal: Allowed 1 – 2 Hour rehearsal in the venue of the scheduled recital.
Programs are not provided by the SoM. If you choose to make your own program, you are responsible for creating it, obtaining faculty approval, and copying the program yourself. Programs may not be copied in the SoM office.